๐๏ธ Screens Overview
Main UI Components and Screens
๐๏ธ Main Dashboard
The Dashboard is the ADS main screen.
๐๏ธ Critical Alerts
This screen displays all critical alerts generated by the devices.
๐๏ธ Fleet View
This screen provides an overview of the status of the fleet of devices and lists the various events and alerts received from devices with the same device profile.
๐๏ธ Glances
This screen allows users to monitor devices, create and manage views with their desired KPIs and insights. Both device and 3rd-party library KPIs and insights can be monitored.
๐๏ธ 3rd-Party Components
This screen shows the list of 3rd-party components used in the device firmwares, related KPIs as well as the list of CVE(s) impacting the firmwares.
๐๏ธ Device View
This screen displays a deviceโs configuration and all events, alerts and data received from this device.
๐๏ธ Device Profiles View
This screen allows to view and manage device definitions: