ADS General Settings
The Settings screen allows managing ADS settings, ADS users and user account settings.
User Profile Information
The screen allows users to update their first and last name, as well as their password.
ADS API Configuration
The screen allows to (re)generate an API key to ADS REST API’s and to access the API documentation.
Note that if a key already exists, generating a new key will delete the existing key and will cause an API access error if an application is using this deleted key.

User Administration
ADS supports the following user roles:
- Admin - Can create and edit device profiles, glances and custom alerts, also has the ability to invite new users to the board.
- Editor - Can edit all device profiles, glances and custom alerts features but has no ADS or user administration capabilities.
- Viewer - Only has view access to all client data.
This screen shows the list of users - excluding the current logged-in user:

To create a new user, click the Invite New User button:

This screen also allows to:
- Resend an invitation to a previously invited user.
- Delete a user.
- Modify the role of an existing user.