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Fleet View

This screen provides an overview of the status of the fleet of devices and lists the various events and alerts received from devices with the same device profile.

Fleet Selection

Use the Device Profile drop down menu to select the fleet associated with the corresponding Device Profile

Info Bar

Fleet Information

The following information is available for the fleet:

  • Firmware Version: The version of the device firmware
  • Total Device Count :Total number of devices in the fleet
    • Note: Only devices that reported to ADS are counted.
  • Device Definition ID : The device definition identifier.

Date Range Selection, Navigation and Actions

  • Use the Date Range selector to select the date range of interest.       (The charts, events ,alert lists, and map view will be updated accordingly).

  • Use the Refresh button to refresh the screen (in case of new data recently available)

  • Settings : Open the Device Definition configuration window.

  • Open 3rd Party Libraries & CVEs: Open the 3rd-party libraries and CVEs related to the device definition

  • Map View : View the devices of the fleet on a map.

  • Export CVEs

  • Export Devices

  • Export 3rd Party Libraries

Event View

Use the Show Data/Hide Data toggle on the right side of the screen to switch between the default view and the event list view.


Event Filters

Filters allow to select specific events based on their attributes and visualize the event list.


After defining the desired filter, select Apply to get the filtered events..

Advanced Filtering and Visualization

More filtering, charting and visualization is available by selecting Visualization in the Event view.


For example:

Event Counts Over Time

Histogram of events over time for the selected date range. Breakdown of event categories for a specific date is available when hovering over the chart.

Events By Category

Breakdown of event types and subcategories for the selected date range. Event subcategories are displayed when hovering over the event type.

Custom Alert List

This list shows the custom alerts received for the device fleet. This section would not be displayed if no custom alerts are configured for the device:

Alert List

This list is similar to the Critical Alerts screen but only shows the alerts for the current device fleet: