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Supported platforms

RTOS EIV is designed to run on most embedded devices, either running an C/C++ -based RTOS or bare metal implementation.

End-to-end integration

The following table shows the Sternum component(s) and associated documentation according to the device connectivity.

The [Integrations]

Runtime Security
Device ConnectivityConnected or not connectedConnectedConnected indirectly to the Sternum Platform
ProductRTOS EIVEIV SDKSDK Relay functionality
DescriptionPrevents attacks at runtimeMonitor device behavior and detect security and operational issuesProxy EIV and SDK communication to the Sternum Platform
DocumentationProtect the deviceEnable observabilityDevelop Relay application on Android and iOS
Target DeviceRTOS DeviceRTOS DeviceSmartphone or Edge Gateway for example

The tasks listed in the table are documented in their respective sections.