Sternum SDKs for Linux
The Sternum SDKs for Linux - aka. Observability SDKs or SDKs for short - provide a set of functionalities to extend Linux device firmware and application monitoring capabilities using the C/C++ or Java language, enabling:
- Broader device visibility
- Richer device analytics
- More effective investigation of device security, behavior and anomalies.
Each SDK comprises the following components:
- SDK Studio - A graphical tool to define and manage traces for each device project
- SDK package - The set of files necessary to build the SDK library (C SDK only) and use the SDK to build instrumented applications.
Make sure to read the general SDK documentation before proceeding to the detailed instructions provided in the reference docs.
System Requirements
The SDK supports the following:
- CPU/MCU Architectures: All
- Operating Systems: Most Linux systems
The minimum requirements for each SDK vary depending on the target device characteristics, operating system, build configuration/optimization and use cases.
Example of requirements that can be achieved on a low-resource device platform for the C SDK:
- Available disk space: 1 MB
- RAM usage: ~100 KB