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The 2024/5/15 Sternum Platform release is now available at

Feature Enhancements (IOT):

  • Query Interface:
    • Added an option to measure power in milliampere-hours (mAh).
    • Changed a category name from "Space" to "SPACE".
    • Removed time options for widgets that don't use them.
    • Improved the suggested date format for timestamps.
    • Adjusted logic for better filtering.
  • Support & Feedback:
    • Improved support center access.
  • Login:
    • Made error messages clearer for Google sign-in.
  • Fleet View:
    • Improved navigation and added clickable features.
  • Bug Fixes (IOT):
    • Product Filter:
      • Fixed incorrect value display.
    • Query Interface:
      • Added visual indicators for loading.
      • Improved color coding for new queries.
      • Fixed issues with attribute selection.
    • Logs:
      • Addressed visibility and loading issues.
    • Executive Summary:
      • Corrected display errors.
    • Registration:
      • Fixed errors during registration.
    • Emails:
      • Ensured correct logo display.
    • Timeline:
      • Improved navigation.
    • Filters:
      • Fixed inconsistencies in filter results.
    • Data Aggregation:
      • Improved data accuracy.
    • Workspace Management:
      • Fixed user management issues.
    • Product Management:
      • Improved visibility and error handling.
    • Alerts & AI:
      • Enhanced alert rules and display accuracy.
    • Dashboard:
      • Improved data presentation and sorting.
    • UI Improvements:
      • Enhanced user interface and messaging.
  • Bugs fixes (Compute):
    • Improved filtering and performance.
  • Miscellaneous Fixes:
    • Various improvements and bug fixes for logs, alerts, and navigation.