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8 posts tagged with "Sternum Platform"

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· One min read

New Features

  • Add new OS types for products (iOS, Android, Baremetal and Windows)
  • Add Description for widgets


  • Embedded OS type changed to RTOS
  • Remove loading spinner when fetching data after scroll has been finished
  • Improve error message for duplicate user invitation completion
  • Correct avatars in WorkspacesSection
  • Better operator completions
  • Change Users Administation to Users Administration in Audit log page.
  • Fix typed text is not cleared out when selecting a product that was filtered out by autocomplete
  • Refactor Pretty Block Visitor and Text Input Visitor
  • Missing 'Logs' option in the attributes dropdown in 'Display the' input field, when Count is selected.

Bug Fixes

  • Redirect to logs page with correct filters from alerts investigation
  • Resolve white screen flash during route change
  • Parse correctly alert names filter when resolving filtered alerts

· 2 min read

New Features

  • Adding SCS as freemium to sandbox environment
  • Move mode (scs\iot) to client model


  • Sandbox cookie policy
  • Long arguments displaying in logs
  • Move integrations menu item from user popup to main menu
  • Inventory page export job
  • Revise emails subjects
  • Filters are remembered when user is using back button
  • Remove signup token
  • Change ADS SDK app name to Sternum SDK Configurator

Bug Fixes

  • user profile access rights.
  • Fix re-invite
  • Filtering on Admin role (Log out filter) is throwing no results
  • Hide "Total Users" for sandbox role on executive summary
  • Handling \n or other escape characters as text.
  • Generateing API keys For new created workspaces and fixing old (legacy) bug
  • Fix sum query for numeric arguments
  • Display "logs" instead of "*" in query interface
  • Fixing invalid query creation when opening logs from ‘Fleets view' page
  • Fix active devices count in fleets
  • Display product name instead ID in glunces query
  • Persisting the order of queries
  • Fixing wrong behavior for Cancel button in configuration page of sso.
  • Fix of MFA tooltip text visibility
  • Notes in scs alerts should not be accessible for viewers
  • Time in the filter is in UTC while logs are displayed in the local time
  • Fix resetting password
  • Hide settings button in create widgets and full view

· One min read

New Features

  • Sandbox


  • Add Contact Support link to login page.
  • Displays long log arguments.
  • Count unknown boot reasons in fleet view as well.
  • Changing the link for contacting support from email to our freshdesk system.

Bug Fixes

  • Inconsistent number of attributes presented for the math operators in 'Display the' field.
  • Wrong back button for prevented attacks.

· One min read

New Features

  • System Audit Log


  • Users invited through SSO can no longer be deleted once SSO is enabled.
  • Texts throughout the system have been enhanced.
  • Users are now redirected to the original URL when login is required.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved error when inviting a user.
  • Addressed empty state display when no products are created.
  • Rectified Glances access issues on new workspaces.
  • Fixed problems with granularity value in defined widgets.
  • Timeline now displays arguments for alerts and attacks.
  • Corrected product filter displaying 0 events despite events existing in the table.
  • Fixed cropped legends in pie and donut charts with long strings.
  • Duplicates on "Last critical issues" widget have been resolved.
  • Alert deletion issue has been fixed.

· One min read

New Features

SSO Integration:

  • Centralizes authentication and improves access management.


  • Widgets: Fixed x-axis cropping for histogram, line chart, and heatmap.
  • All pages: Added "Today" button in the custom Time range selector.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected display of empty state page when client has no products.
  • Fixed issue where users couldn't open Glances for a new client.
  • Sidebar now correctly marks the tab when opening a prevented attack.
  • Fixed saving occurrences in Editing Alert Rule.
  • Resolved Error 400 for packet size attribute in Glances/logs.
  • Fixed log service error in Glances.
  • Addressed issues with editing queries potentially corrupting them.
  • Arguments now shown in the timeline for Alert/Attack investigations.
  • Resolved errors when viewing created widgets in Glances.
  • Removing a user no longer removes dashboards and widgets they created.
  • Product filter now correctly displays events in Alerts/Prevented attacks.
  • Legends for pie chart and donut chart no longer get cropped with long group-by strings.
  • Queries now accept special characters.
  • Fixed issue where KPI widget incorrectly showed 0 despite having data.
  • Excessive reboots over time widget now correctly represents data in Fleets view.

· One min read


  • Added a permissive protection mode for Compute.
  • Enabled SDK download directly from the web application.


  • Updated heading on the Login page.
  • Enhanced manage button in Products and Fleets view (Sternum SDK Studio).

Bugs Fixes:

  • Resolved issues with endless loading of logs related to anomalies.
  • Fixed sidebar tab marking for prevented attacks.
  • Addressed missing logs in the second product version.
  • Corrected 'Back to' link for alerts/attacks from fleets view.
  • Fixed empty Fleets view page due to cache problems.
  • Adjusted graph display to show names instead of IDs.
  • Added translation for packet size attribute.
  • Improved Name filter in Alerts & AI to display severity.
  • Fixed default dashboard availability for new workspace.

· 2 min read

We've updated the Query interface to improve clarity and usability based on customer feedback. The changes affect the Products; Display the, Group by, and Query fields as follows:

Products Field

  • Popularity Indicators: Products are sorted by popularity, shown with 1-4 lines.
  • Default View: Displays six products with scroll for more.
  • Selection: Shows chips for selected products; all selected shows an asterisk (*).

Display the Field

  • Default Display: Shows Count of Logs.
  • Dropdown Activation: Click to display Attributes and Arguments.
  • Loader Display: Shown when changing values.
  • Scrollable List: Five attributes displayed, with scroll for more.
  • Categories: Dropdown values separated into Attributes and Arguments.

Group by Field

  • Scrollable List: Five attributes displayed, with scroll for more.
  • Categories: Dropdown values separated into Attributes and Arguments.

Query Field

  • Space Option: Query starts with a SPACE option.
  • Scrollable List: Five attributes displayed, with scroll for more.
  • Categories: Dropdown values separated into Attributes and Arguments.

Attributes and Arguments


  • Definition: Parameters created by the Sternum Platform (Cloud).
  • Naming Convention: Prefixed with logs.builtin.attribute. followed by the attribute name with underscores replacing spaces (e.g., logs.builtin.attribute.device_id).
  • Icon: Each attribute displays a Sternum icon with a tooltip “Sternum definition” on hover.
  • Attribute List: Includes essential parameters like Receive Time, Device firmware version, Device ID, Event type, and geographical data (Country, State, City, etc.).


  • Definition: Parameters sent from the device, either created by the user or the Sternum EIV.
  • Naming Convention: System arguments prefixed with builtin.argument. and user arguments with user.argument. followed by the argument name (e.g., builtin.argument.error_code).
  • Icon: Arguments display a Sternum or custom icon with tooltips “User definition” or “Sternum definition” on hover.
  • Popularity Indicators: Arguments are shown with 1-4 lines indicating popularity (hover for tooltip).
  • Uniqueness: User arguments must be unique, but can match Sternum attributes/arguments.

· 2 min read

The 2024/5/15 Sternum Platform release is now available at

Feature Enhancements (IOT):

  • Query Interface:
    • Added an option to measure power in milliampere-hours (mAh).
    • Changed a category name from "Space" to "SPACE".
    • Removed time options for widgets that don't use them.
    • Improved the suggested date format for timestamps.
    • Adjusted logic for better filtering.
  • Support & Feedback:
    • Improved support center access.
  • Login:
    • Made error messages clearer for Google sign-in.
  • Fleet View:
    • Improved navigation and added clickable features.
  • Bug Fixes (IOT):
    • Product Filter:
      • Fixed incorrect value display.
    • Query Interface:
      • Added visual indicators for loading.
      • Improved color coding for new queries.
      • Fixed issues with attribute selection.
    • Logs:
      • Addressed visibility and loading issues.
    • Executive Summary:
      • Corrected display errors.
    • Registration:
      • Fixed errors during registration.
    • Emails:
      • Ensured correct logo display.
    • Timeline:
      • Improved navigation.
    • Filters:
      • Fixed inconsistencies in filter results.
    • Data Aggregation:
      • Improved data accuracy.
    • Workspace Management:
      • Fixed user management issues.
    • Product Management:
      • Improved visibility and error handling.
    • Alerts & AI:
      • Enhanced alert rules and display accuracy.
    • Dashboard:
      • Improved data presentation and sorting.
    • UI Improvements:
      • Enhanced user interface and messaging.
  • Bugs fixes (Compute):
    • Improved filtering and performance.
  • Miscellaneous Fixes:
    • Various improvements and bug fixes for logs, alerts, and navigation.