Sternum Embedded SDK
Sternum Embedded SDK

This repository contains the files of the Sternum Embedded SDK, a versatile and flexible tool to add observability and traceability to RTOS and baremetal devices using C/C++.

For introduction and integration information, refer to the Online documentation.

The SDK is organized into three main directories:

  • sternum_sdk
    The source code (.c and .h files) that needs to be included in your project.

  • ports
    The ports directory contains implementations of ports for specific operating systems:

    • system_port.c - core ports that are pre-configured for specific operating systems, ready to use.
    • transmission_port.c - example implementation of network transmission. Developers may need to make adjustments to these ports based on their specific network configuration.

    system_port.c and transmission_port.c are additional files, distinct from sternum_sdk contents, which you must include into your project.

  • examples
    This directory contains ready-to-use programs that serve as comprehensive demonstrations on how to effectively utilize the SDK. Please refer to the in the specific example directory for instructions on how to run and build the programs.

How to import the SDK

The integration is documented in details in the Integration section.